
Let's Go to Italy!

Pack your bags, 十大最好的网赌平台 女校友! 十大网赌平台推荐正在计划一次令人兴奋的意大利之旅,希望你能加入十大网赌平台推荐. This is a wonderful opportunity for 女校友 沉浸在意大利中部的文化和自然中,同时体验一次与阿什利霍尔学生旅行计划相呼应的旅行.

Full Itinerary Details:

Thursday, 10月10日 | Depart the United States

Friday, October 11 |
Arrive in Rome, Italy
在到达时 at the Rome Airport (Rome Fiumicino), 旅行团将被送往斯波莱托,在莱蒂宫开始您的住宿, built in 1292 as a private home and now a charming hotel. 午餐和休息后,小组将进行斯波莱托的介绍性徒步旅行. You will end the day with cocktails and dinner.

Saturday, October 12 | 奥维多 & Civita di Bagnoregio
Situated at the top of a majestic hill, 奥维多镇沉浸在伊特鲁里亚人的历史中,是13世纪意大利中部最杰出的教堂之一的所在地, the Duomo of 奥维多. After lunch in 奥维多, you will c继续 Civita di Bagnoregio, 一个隐藏在乡村深处的小村庄,只有行人和动物通过一座狭窄的桥才能进入.

Sunday, October 13 | Interest-Based Umbria Excursions
In order to explore personal interests, 三种活动可供选择,让你在意大利设计自己的周日. Some examples include: exploring the Sacred Wood where Saint Francis came to pray; wandering through the olive trees in Castel Ritaldi; or taking a local cooking class in Spoleto. 

Monday, October 14 | 锡耶纳
Located in the heart of the Tuscan hills, 锡耶纳是 one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. You will enjoy lunch at a traditional 饮食店 体验锡耶纳的烹饪传统,丰富独特的意大利面和美味的炖肉. 然后十大网赌平台推荐将有时间悠闲地探索坎波广场,这里是 Palio一样, 在大教堂和公共宫欣赏美丽的壁画. 希纳艾尔 Caminetto.

Tuesday, October 15 | Spello and Asissi
今天,十大网赌平台推荐将游览斯佩洛,一座建立在罗马地基上的古镇.  在那里呆了一段时间后,该小组将前往阿西西,首先停留在 Eremo delle Carceri where St. Francis went to pray. The final destination of the day will be the city of 阿西西,在那里你将探索和享受一个惊人的日落从圣大教堂. Francis, the holy patron of Italy. You will dine on excellent local pizza then return home.

Wednesday,  October 16 | 囟门
After a picturesque drive through the olive groves, 你将在山顶的丰塔内尔村开始一场美食冒险. 在到达时, 你会受到松露猎人和他们的狗的欢迎,他们经过训练,可以嗅出翁布里亚最伟大的烹饪宝藏:松露. 然后,您将与这些熟练的狗一起散步,探索这片土地,了解为什么翁布里亚成为意大利最大的松露产地. To conclude the adventure, 你会烤一杯酒,品尝新鲜磨碎的松露,同时欣赏壮丽的翁布里亚山谷. 

Thursday, October 17 | 许愿, 并已 & Bevagna
In the nearby town of 许愿, we will visit Marfuga, a family-owned company known for farming, 培养, and pressing olives for their oil. 接下来,您将前往蒙特法尔科,一个以其 Sagrantino grapes that produce the delicious wines of Umbria, 您将在葡萄园中漫步,同时了解葡萄的生长和栽培过程. 最后,您将在贝瓦尼亚小镇享用一顿美丽的日落晚餐.

Friday, October 18 | 佩鲁贾 & Trasiemeno Lake
You will start our day in 佩鲁贾, 意大利的巧克力之都,也是著名的佩鲁吉娜巧克力工厂的所在地. 巧克力大师将带您参观他们精心挑选的可可豆,并向您解释将这些丰富的可可豆转化为正宗佩鲁吉娜产品的过程. 午餐将在特拉西梅诺湖,然后你们一起回到斯波莱托度过最后一晚.

Saturday, October 19 | Farewell to Italy

The itinerary includes moderately rigorous activities, including extensive walking in hilly and rocky terrain. 参与者需要能够独自应对这样的挑战. 


交通:此套餐不包括机票,也不包括旅行保险. 航空公司的行程将于周四从美国出发, 10月10日, 2024年抵达罗马菲乌米奇诺(FCO)机场,时间为上午7点.m. 早上9:45.m. 10月19日星期六,2024航班将在上午10:15分之后从菲乌米奇诺起飞.m.

费用: The fee for this trip is $3,850 single occupancy or $3,双人房250英镑,包括地面交通, 早餐, and meals where indicated.   

报名:在7月30日之前缴纳1000美元不可退还的押金. 请使用下面的按钮注册并在线存款.


如有查询,请联络校友活动总监 & 给 Kathryn Reddick at [email protected]



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